Blog Post: Ed Frost

September 19, 2024
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This year we’re delighted to be celebrating 25 years of digdat. Since being founded in 1999, the industry and team have changed quite a bit! We’ve seen the demand for safe digging and the need for instant access to maps grow. But our passion for ensuring users’ safety has remained the same.

We recently sat down with Ed Frost, our Technical Lead, to find out how digdat has grown and changed over the years. He has been with digdat since the very beginning and is a key member of the team.

Tell us about yourself.

I’m Technical Lead for digdat across both services - Asset Protection and Communications. My skills are probably a lot broader than some having worked with spatial data and a variety of systems for so long. I generally spend my time supporting the Developers, assisting the Product Owners and Project Manager and helping shape the direction of our offerings, technically and strategically, whilst also enjoying the delights of maintaining and phasing out our legacy technologies.

Outside of work I try and do whatever I can to disconnect. I’m a keen DIYer, gardener (mostly construction projects) and walker. I’ll work on cars, tinker with electronics, fix stuff, enhance things around the house with 3D prints! Handy tip – never ask me about any of this.

When did you first start at digdat and what was your first role?

I was there at the start. It was a very long time ago though. I can't remember the first role I was given - probably Spatial Engineer, or looking after the horses!

How has your role changed since starting at digdat?

Well, I started doing an Open University degree focusing on mathematics and computing which was funded by digdat over 7 years. During this time, I morphed into a Software Developer, Software Development Manager, Senior Software Developer and finally Technical Lead.

How have you seen technology and systems advance over the last 25 years?

Wow, how long have you got? It's gone from one or two lone developers throwing out a quick front-end-to-database applications, to a much larger team developing extendable cloud native systems to work nicely with legacy systems.

Can you share your favourite memory from your time at digdat?

I've had many fond memories over the years and it’s always been about the people. Work is such a big part of our lives, and it can be difficult at times (ask any tech who’s been responsible for fixing a live system issue) and the great people around you and friendships you form make all the difference.

What has kept you at digdat for so long?

Variety. Good people. Interesting projects. Ever changing technology. Fear of change (not really!)

Do you have any advice for someone just starting out as a software engineer?

It's a great area to be in. It’s such a creative art really – to make something new that solves problems, makes lives better, takes the company forward. If it’s not your calling and you’re in it for the money, then do something else. And find time to stay up to date. Try not to worry about not knowing it all. And there’s always someone younger (not difficult for me) and smarter (see previous brackets) so remember, the team only gets better together, and everyone can learn from each other.

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